

We are a boutique product development and consulting firm specialized on generative AI, deep learning applications and development. We also provide due diligence for investment companies in assessing tech startups in this space or data/analytics in general.

Product Development and Consulting in Generative AI, (Deep) Machine Learning and Data Science

We are widely mentioned in a variety of media both in EMEA and North America for our work in DS and AI over the years. We build custom solutions, teams, roadmaps and strategies to help you in your journey to become more data and AI driven and embed intelligence into your business decisions. 

Digital Transformation

As showcased also in the best selling book by A. Loth, Decisively Digital, we have more than a decade of experience, across a variety of industries, in helping companies transform themselves using data and analytics. 

Due Diligence in Tech Startups for Investment Companies

We offer comprehensive due diligence services specifically tailored for startups in the tech (data, analytics, AI), retail and financial services verticals. 

 Training in AI

Continuous learning needs to be a part of every company, board level down, to stay competitive via upskilling employees. We build custom training curriculum on AI, tailored to your needs.